Though the miles between us meant we didn’t always see as much of each other as maybe we should have liked there are still so many moments of pleasure that we shared with you for us to look back on and smile:-
Playing pirates with you and Mo forcing us to walk the plank, getting lost in the maze at Symons Yat, picnicking in the Forest of Dean, building dams and water fights, building pebble towers and watching the waves knock them down, you hiding under the seats in the scary bits when we took you to see the Lost World whilst your sister lapped it all up (it’s true!) you and Mo being the unofficial photographers at our wedding in the woods, beating us at any and all computer games, playing air hockey and Sega World Rally in the penny arcades at Barry Island…….the list is endless
We are so grateful for the precious moments you choose to spend with us oldies this summer; there are not many 17 year old lads I know that would have done this. It was great to talk with you, to witness your pride in your school and to share in your obvious delight in your car, your music, your football and your friends. To borrow a line from the Fast and the Furious – you lived your life by the quarter of a mile – you were free.
There are so many things we will miss – not least your cheeky grin, your gentle way of poking fun at your peers and your unfailing ability to come back with a witty reply or smart arse comment as I think someone has already said, whatever the circumstances might be. There are also some things we hoped to share with you that will never come to pass, giving you a drive in the Scooby, gate crashing your 21st birthday celebrations and embarrassing you in front of your mates with our “old fuddy duddy” dancing, witnessing your wedding and meeting your children.
We do count ourselves privileged to have seen you grow and develop from a happy fun loving kid through your “Kev the teenager years” into an outstanding young man and one who has been able to touch the lives of so many and to bring a touch of happiness to everyone who knew and loved you. We are so very proud of you.
To all Danny’s many friends and acquaintances and others who have taken time to read and contribute to this site we thank you. We cannot help but be totally overwhelmed by the depth of feeling his passing has inspired. Not only have your kind words and expressions of love for Danny helped to comfort and console, they have also helped us to come to know another side of him that we could not have experienced for ourselves.
Whilst we share your sense of bewilderment and loss we ask you not to grieve for Danny, he himself would not have wanted this; he was too busy enjoying life to let things get him down. Instead please join with us in celebrating a life so richly lived, follow his example, make the most of every minute and, in the immortal words of Bill and Ted, “be excellent to each other”
So Danny (Foz) our nephew and our friend, we’ll raise a coke in your honour, you will always be with us, your spirit will live on forever in our hearts and memories…until we meet again…. all our love
Debbie & Steve
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