Thursday, November 24, 2005

I don't think I ever knew why he was called Foz, but in a weird way it kinda summed him up, he was Foz. I remember playing with him at primary school and he always came to the big birthday parties I had in midde school, sadly we drifted apart at thurston as so many people do, but I always remembered him. He was the little short blonde guy with the big grin! Queen told us that only the good die young and this is so true with Foz coz he was one of the best, the response on this site has proved this and that you dont need to know someone well to know that their one of the best. I hope that Foz's death wont be in vain coz we could all stand to be more like Foz - happy and cheerful; considerate towards others and live life to the max. Life is so short and can seem so cruel sometimes which is why you must tell people that you love them and say goodbye when they walk out the door in case it is your last goodbye. Please toast Foz when you next have a drink. Foz will never be gone because he will never be forgotten, he will live on in each of us in our memories and in our hearts. Goodbye Foz, I'm so glad I knew you for a time.