Thursday, November 24, 2005

if theres one thing that i am going to remember about you buddy its the way that u decided to just fly off the side of the cliff instead of turning when we went skiing. the first time that we met. you always made me feel as though i was a friend and you really did help me have a good time. from then on we havnt spoke that much or necassarily been the best of friends but we have never had an argument, we have never fallen out. the simple reason for this is that i wouldnt know how to fall out with such a fantastic bloke. you were always there for everyone when they needed. not once have i seen you argue with anyone in 6th form or before. there has never been a time when i have thought to myself "oh just go away" and there has most certainly never been a time when i ever felt any feeling of emnity towards you. for this i respect and honour.

i know now that you are in a better place with God. i know that you continue to look down on us from where you are. i hope that you can see how much you really were loved. i hope that you continue to look after and over people. your life on earth may have been a short one but i know that you lived every moment of it the way u wanted to, and what a great way to live a life it is. Fozzy bear from everybody that was lucky enough to know you and loved you i hope that we never ever remember the way that you were.

in life you were one of the most loved people in the entire school, i hope that in death you remain to be loved and missed but never ever forggoten. Good luck foz.