Hey Danny.
Hope you're ok. Sorry i haven't written in ages, i just don't know what to say, i just miss you so much. Christmas wasn't the same at all without you. I ate dinner in the lounge with the dog, watching eastenders, oh yea, i like to think you were with me, sure you was, but bet you'd rather watch some footy or christmas movies like Home Alone, like we would watch every christmas. I'm not gonna say hope you had a good one cos i think we both know it was crap for all of us. I just want you to know i love you so much and i hope you're not too bad and having a laugh at us. Happy New Year by the way, that was the worst, starting one without you for the first time. I know you're still here but i just wanna see you. A picture of me and you came through from Nan the other day at the wedding, we look well good lol! Well you do my hair looks stupid!
You'd better be coming to Russia with me at the end of the month, it should be a good laugh, i just remembered! Oh and I'm making a scrap book of me and you, everything we did and that, i got so many photos of us wen were little, and loads of you sitting on dinosaurs! This is the only one with me too, but i know you loved them so I don't mind, i don't think i liked it anyway, but you did!
Anyway i won't keep blabbin cos im talkin a load of rubbish anyway i just wanted to talk to you and for you to know I am always thinkin about you, and I know you know that.
I got this poem and i think it's perfect.
Brother, we have grown closer
With every passing year,
The bond we have is strengthened
Through much laughter and some tears.
I have been blessed so greatly
With a brother and a friend
We are there for each other.
We are the perfect blend.

I miss you so much Dannykins. I just want you to walk through the door and give me a big bear hug. I'll love you forever with all my heart, Half of me is missing with you gone.
Laters Bro, talk to you soon, Love you