Thursday, November 24, 2005

hey foz, im going to see faithless tomorrow, you were soo jealous of me seeing them! i had bought some coke at school yesterday, you would have been disgusted at how appalling it was, it tasted like flat diet coke that had been diluted with carbonated water!i mean, you just cant beat good old "fatty coke"! i saw your car the other day, she still looks hot as ever, well i admit she could do with a good clean tho! but i promise Will is looking after your old car, it looks better than it did when you last saw it and said she looked dirty!

i dunno what date "kiss kiss bang bang" comes out on DVD , but i promise to watch it until i understand it, then i will let you be the fist to know what it is about! i cant believe we chose a film with a crap title like that! (well admittedly i chose that film! you can blame me if you didn't like it! but the company was good, thats all that matters really!)

i wore the clothes i wore on that first date yesterday! even the same underwear! hehe!
(they were washed btw tho!) i even wore that belt with the big buckle, that you just didn't understand the reason for it being there!
anyways. its nearly the end of health and social now! (not that i ever really did any work when i was in the computer room and you were there! My "buddies" always just said that i was flirting with you! hehe) admittedly i was! hehe

talk soon hun! i will let you know how AWESOME faithless is! hehe
all the best, hope ya looking after your self! love always